SR 74
Ortega Highway Widening

The project proposes to widen existing lanes to provide 12-foot standard lanes, widen outside shoulders to 4 feet each with a 1-foot ground-in rumble strip, and add a 2-foot wide median. The total width of the pavement is proposed to be 34-feet. Widening the shoulders will require constructing retaining walls with concrete barriers, cutting the rock slopes and placement of fill slopes. In some areas, the outside shoulders will require widening to eight feet for rock catchments. Onsite and offsite drainage structures will be brought up to current safety standards and installed to facilitate the flow of storm and wastewater within the project limit, including the extension of 46 existing culverts. Rock Slope Protection (RSP) will be placed on the north side of the outlet at multiple culverts and RSP locations.

Construction SWPPP development and QSD/QSP services


State of California Department of Transportation